Administrative Assessments | APA Institutional Effectiveness | Florida International University | FIU
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Administrative Assessments

Administrative Assessments are required for those units and departments that serve administrative purposes. The Dean's office of each college or school and centers and institutes are also required to submit this type of assessment report.

Administrative units submit a complete assessment report yearly since this aligns with the yearly goals and reports they generate for their own divisions. While most units will abide by the fiscal year as their reporting period, some administrative areas serving students or academic departments prefer to use the academic year for their reporting period. 

Administrative areas align their outcomes to annual report goals, the mission/vision of the unit, the mission/vision of the university, and the Strategic Plan. Outcomes focus on the following areas:

  • Administrative Support Services – such as college-wide faculty/student recruitment, recruitment, implementing new systems, enrollment, and financial goals.
  • Educational Support Services – such as career services, advising, and other resources for students.
  • Research – such as faculty and/or student research goals, special research initiatives, or any activity that may increase the body of knowledge in the field or increase engagement in research activities.
  • Community Service – such as partnerships, events hosted by the unit that benefit the community and initiatives to increase student/faculty participation in community service activities.

Depending on the main function and mission of the units, other areas are also assessed (e.g., student learning is also assessed for units providing learning services to students such as areas within the Division of Academic and Student Affairs).

For information on our sampling guidelines, which apply to all administrative areas, click to view the document below:

Sampling Guidelines for Higher Education Assessment

Administrative Units


For administrative units, only one of the support areas should be selected as they relate to the unit's mission. Outcomes should align with the President's Strategic Plan while also linking to the university's mission and the unit/department's mission. For assistance with making these alignments, please contact the Institutional Assessment team. Also, when constructing outcomes, it is important to consider they cover a multi-year project or goal. By doing this, administrative areas can measure goal progression longitudinally allowing for a broader perspective.

For changes to the outcomes or methods of assessment, please download and complete the template below and submit it to the Institutional Assessment team at:

Dean's Offices

For the academic colleges and schools, Dean's offices are required to have outcomes related to each of the four areas described above. The outcomes should relate to the broader oversight of the functions and services offered to support the academic programs and the students within the college/school.

For changes to the outcomes or methods of assessment, please download and complete the template below and submit it to the Institutional Assessment team at:

Centers and Institutes

Similarly, and as mentioned above, centers and institutes also submit administrative assessment reports each assessment cycle. In collaboration with Office of Research & Economic Development (ORED), the assessment report is part of the annual report that centers and institutes are required to submit to meet the requirements of ORED and the Board of Governors. The Institutional Assessment team can assist centers and institutes with all specialized assessment needs for this report.

All data need to be reported on TracDat. For Centers and Institutes that have new outcomes or are entirely new, please download the template below, enter your new assessment plan, and submit it to the Institutional Assessment team at: